"In 2006 and 2007, the FutureGen Alliance underwent a process to select a site for the FutureGen Plant. The innovative approach developed in the site-selection process is considered to be a standard that will be used for years to come for developers seeking sites for new power plants using Carbon Capture and Sequestration."

"Lucy Swartz combined her legal and environmental expertise to lead this important and successful effort. As CEO of FutureGen, I truly respect the dedication, capability, and insight that she brought to this effort."

Michael J. Mudd
Chief Executive Officer
FutureGen Industrial Alliance

"As a long-standing member of the National Association of Environmental Professionals, Lucy has provided us much more than we can ever repay. She has served on the Board of Directors and continues to serve unselfishly as a volunteer to the progress of the Association. Her dedication to the Association is seen in her annual updates on NEPA legal issues. Each new presentation is always well attended at the annual conference. For the past two years she has reprised this role in our new webinar education efforts. NAEP is very happy to have Lucy as a member and treasure her willingness and expertise in helping the profession grow."

Paul B. Looney

CEP, CSE, PWS President

National Association of Environmental Professionals


"Lucy Swartz combines in-depth, practical knowledge of the NEPA process with an

uncommonly high level of competency, courtesy, and efficiency. I highly recommend her!"

Dinah Bear
Former General Counsel

White House Counsel on Environmental Quality

"Completing the NEPA process for Presidential permits is a complex and unique undertaking. Often the process does not result in a permit because so few people actually understand the intersection of NEPA and Presidential permits. There really is only one person who understands the entire process and the players. That person is the former Deputy General Counsel at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Lucy Swartz."

Ray Clark

Senior Partner, The Clark Group

Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army

"Lucy was instrumental at spotting issues and working with us to prepare an effective litigation strategy. She was easy to work with and truly understood the impact of her decisions on the clients. I would recommend her in any complex environmental litigation."

Christopher P. Stroech, Esq.

Arnold & Bailey

Shepherdstown, WV

"Thank you so much for all of your help and support on this project...Your calm and professional approach to all of the tasks was very much appreciated."

John Morton

Senior Vice President

HDR Engineering, Inc.